10 Things You Do Not Need Immediately


Let common sense prevail!

There are some things you simply do not need immediately if your objective is prudent prepping for a shelter-in-place or stay-at-home situation for a few weeks to a couple of months. If the need to be fully or mostly self-reliant extends beyond that time, or law and order break down, other considerations will become relevant.

Yes, I know. The following list will be heresy to dyed-in-the-wool preppers convinced every conceivable doomsday scenario must be envisioned and prepared for. However, such extensive and expensive preparation is not the objective of my advice here; rather, it is to equip you to effectively plan and prepare for an extended stay at home (or a reasonable alternate location) in the event of a pandemic, natural disaster, or civil disorder.


What you don’t need immediately

  1. Weapons you don’t know how to use
  2. An expensive Bug Out Bag
  3.  A stockpile of ammunition (see #1)
  4.  Gas masks
  5.  Radiation detectors
  6.  Radiation suits
  7.  Chem-Biohazard suits
  8.  A stockpile of antibiotics
  9.  A bunker
  10.  An elaborate alternate location


Why you don’t need these things


1. Weapons you don’t know how to use.

2. An expensive bug-out bag.

3. A stockpile of ammunition.

4. Gas masks.

5. Radiation detectors.

6. Radiation suits.

7. Chem-Biohazard suits.

8. A stockpile of antibiotics.

9. A bunker.

10. An elaborate alternate location.

Be prudent, be sensible, be prepared!

– The Prudent Prepper